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About Michelle

I’ve always loved butterflies, because they remind us that it’s never too late to transform ourselves.” – Drew Barrymore

I am Michelle Nelson, a life coach and mentor for women who are going through life transitions. I have been on this earth for over 50 years, and I have gone through many positive as well as crippling life experiences, but through it all, they have shaped me into who I am today. I have learned to be resilient and keep pushing forward.

Some of my experiences that brought me to wear I am today.

  • I moved many times as a child, which led to security and abandonment issues.
  • I have experienced the devastation of divorce and unfaithfulness, which distracted me from living a full life.
  • I battled through two diagnoses of cancer in three years, which left me feeling broken.
  • I left a company I helped create, which left me feeling sad and defeated.

But through it all, I have learned the power of renewal and the desire to create, both personally and professionally.

Fast forward to today, I now have a new company that I love and is thriving, I am engaged to a wonderful man, and my life is now all about growth and loving the journey!

My experiences have taught me the importance of resilience, determination, and self-love. I have completed coaching and mentoring training through IPEC, but I have been mentoring for over 25 years.  I am passionate about helping other women navigate through their own life transitions, and I would be honored to help you on your journey. Let’s work together to create the life you desire!

"When I first met Michelle, my life was a hot mess. I was stuck and didn’tknow how to move forward. For years I was going through personal traumathat left me emotionally paralyzed. Michelle helped me look at situationswith more of a positive attitude. Slowly but surely she taught me how tochange my mind set. I have become a stronger and more positive person. Ihave moved on with life’s journey with a new way of thinking. She hastaught me that I am a special person and I deserve to be fulfilled andhappy. The lessons are not an instant fix but helpful new ideas on how tolook forward to each day in a more gratifying way. She taught me greatlessons on how to be more successful in my career and daily life. I wouldrecommend Michelle to anyone that is struggling with their career or just toget a new perspective on life.

 – Denise